MSNV graduates go on to do great things. From a nationally ranked climber to a leading public policy advisor, MSNV alumni regularly return to campus to reflect upon their MSNV experiences and share stories of how Montessori education influenced their academic, career and personal pursuits. Please be in touch- We'd love to hear from you!  

List of 3 items.

  • Engage

    Staying involved in your child's school life and gaining insight to Montessori methods helps your child's confidence and independence to flourish and consequently allows MSNV to thrive.
  • Participate

    Contributing in the classroom and beyond models cooperation for our children and provides them with a valued perspective beyond themselves. We offer many ways for you to get involved in your child's Montessori education.
  • Support

    Providing financial support beyond tuition allows MSNV, as an independent school, to enhance the educational experience of our children and launch new endeavors. By giving to the MSNV Fund and participating in special fundraising events, you complement your engagement in the classroom and ensure that MSNV maintains its place as a premier Montessori school.