List of 18 frequently asked questions.

List of 18 frequently asked questions.

  • Q: What is The MSNV Fund?

    The MSNV Fund supports initiatives which allow us to fulfill our MSNV mission and provide our children with a rich, diverse environment and high-quality Montessori education. The MSNV Fund runs from July 1-June 30 each year. We strive for 100% participation from the MSNV Board of Trustees, our faculty, staff and parent body to The MSNV Fund. From training teachers to beefing up learning materials, the MSNV Fund directly impacts students.
  • Q: Why should I give to The MSNV Fund?

    Your gift to The MSNV Fund enriches your child’s experience at school. As a private institution, MSNV depends on a number of sources for financial support. Gifts to The MSNV Fund allow MSNV to expand the Montessori experience for every student, through improvements in infrastructure, materials, teaching techniques, parent support and learning opportunities. By providing additional resources in all these areas, we are able to provide an exceptional Montessori experience for your child.
  • Q: What are the goals of The MSNV Fund this year?

    Each year, we strive for 100% participation from our parent body across our two campuses, from Preprimary through 6th grade.
  • Q: I can’t afford to make a big gift when I am already paying tuition (or on financial aid). Why should I participate?

    MSNV welcomes all gifts, no matter the amount. MSNV strives for 100% participation in the Annual Fund, not only because it sends a powerful message that our entire MSNV community stands behind our mission, but also because it gives MSNV the flexibility to seize on mission supporting opportunities that enable our program to thrive.
  • Q: How can I make a gift to The MSNV Fund?

    Gifts can be made online or through cash, checks, credit cards, stock or securities. If you or a family member is a federal employee you can designate a gift to MSNV in the CFC. Please contact  703-992-0255.
  • Q: When should I give my gift?

    The MSNV Fund year runs from July 1 through June 30. You may give your gift at any point during the year. You may make a gift or pledge (to be fulfilled by June 30) by calling 703-992-0255.
  • Q: Do I have to give my entire gift all at once or can I contribute over a period of time?

    You may absolutely contribute over a period of time through installments or recurring payments. Please call 703-992-0255 about your giving preference and we are happy to support you.
  • Q: Is my contribution tax deductible?

    Yes! MSNV is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so your donation is 100% tax deductible.
  • Q: What is your federal tax identification number?

    Our federal tax identification number is 54-0718805.
  • Q: How can I become a part of the Leadership Circle?

    The MSNV Leadership Circle is composed of individuals who give $600 or more to The MSNV Fund. We have several Leadership Circle Clubs: Outdoor Nature Nurturers ($600- $1,199); Pink Tower Builders ($1,200- $ 2,399); Bead Chain Benefactors ($2,400-$ 5,999) and Practical Life Leaders ($6,000+).  You can see all MSNV Fund Giving Circles here.
  • Q: My company supports its employees through matches donations. Does MSNV accept matching gifts?

    Yes! Please call 703-992-0255 to discuss a company matching gift, which can double or triple your donation to MSNV.
  • Q: May I make a gift to The MSNV Fund in honor of someone special?

    If you wish to make a gift to The MSNV Fund in honor of a teacher or in memory of someone special, you may do so at any time. MSNV will send a card to your honoree or to the family, announcing your thoughtful gift. Donors to The MSNV Fund will receive a timely acknowledgement letter to retain with their records.
  • Q: Can family members contribute to The MSNV Fund?

    Yes, we welcome all contributions to The MSNV Fund.
  • Q: How does MSNV recognize donors?

    All donors receive a letter of thanks and gift receipt letter from MSNV. Donors are also listed in our annual report.
  • Q: Does MSNV allow for corporate sponsorships of special events?

    MSNV welcomes individuals, businesses and corporations alike to support our annual events, including our Fall Festival. Please call us at 703-992-0255 to discuss the possibilities!
  • Q: Can I designate my gift towards a certain area?

    Yes, you can designate your gift. Please call 703-992-0255 to discuss your gift and how you would like to direct it.
  • Q: Are total donation amounts shared with the public?

    Please be assured that all individual donation information is held confidential and is limited to a small group of individuals at MSNV. We only provide aggregate donor information in our Annual Report.
  • Q: Who makes the decision about how donations are spent?

    The MSNV Head of School in conjunction with the MSNV Board of Trustees determines the needs of the school based upon the objectives laid out in our five-year Strategic Plan. Resources are allocated accordingly. If a gift is designated to a certain area, the gift will be used as requested. If a gift is not designated, it will go toward our areas of greatest need.